Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Hawk software solves food monitoring problems in one swoop

A complete cloud-based food monitoring solution has been launched by Hawk Safety, a joint venture between technology company TT Hive and food safety consultancy Hygiene Audit Systems.

The Hawk monitoring system provides a real time view of a business' food safety records and offers an end-to-end food safety solution. The software provides alerts when checks are not completed, while all data is presented in a user-friendly format on a customisable dashboard.

The joint venture partners say it will save “hundreds of hours” in admin time, and prevent any “food poisoning incidents, costly kitchen closures and court cases”.

The auditing module of the Hawk system is already in operation at 53 sites owned by Bourne Leisure – which runs Warner Leisure Hotels and the Butlin’s and Haven holiday parks – and is currently used by six regional managers on a daily basis to measure hygiene and safety information throughout food related facilities, as well as controlled environments such as swimming pools.

Bourne Leisure reports that its ‘paper trail’ has been eradicated, with other benefits being that site comparisons can be run on a daily basis before leaving site. The original source of any issue can also be accurately identified and reported on.

“Accountability is the bedrock of successfully monitoring hygiene and safety issues. It can be both difficult and time-consuming to accurately measure these and report on them in a timely and accurate fashion,” said Trevor Bateson, head of safety services at Bourne Leisure.

“Hawk software has been able to eradicate this potential problem at source and ensure that the business as a whole is run safely and in as efficient a manner as possible.”

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